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BSc, C-Psych, C-Obs, MA Psych

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Senior Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist


Ben French

BSc, C-Psych, C-Obs, MA Psych.

Senior Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist

Currently, I share my time between this private clinic and as a Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist working in the "Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service" (CAMHS/NHS) in a specialist team of child psychologists, psychiatrists and family therapists, where I oversee psychotherapy in my branch. My role involves psychotherapy with children and teenagers with a range of moderate to severe issues. These include depression, suicidal ideation, self-harm, eating disorders, anxiety, sexual abuse, neglect, domestic violence, bereavement, trauma, OCD, ADHD, BPD symptoms, tics, unexplained physical symptoms such as seizures and pain, gender dysmorphia, psychosis related issues and family and school based difficulties. I also work a lot with children who have been in care, looked after, or adopted, often as a result of trauma. 


I have extensive experience working with schools and colleges and have previously designed and managed a Therapy Service at local college. Prior to psychotherapy I graduated from the London School of Economics and Political Science, worked in Research and Education in teaching and leadership roles. My psychotherapy training involved 5 years at the Tavistock and Portman Foundation, a world-renowned NHS centre for child and adolescent psychotherapy. Since qualification I have continued to train as a Psychoanalyst, which is an ongoing process, involving many years of intensive psychoanalysis, supervision, and study.


​My relevant qualifications include:​

  • Masters Degree in Psychological Therapies for Children, Young People and Families (University of Essex / Tavistock NHS Foundation).

  • Postgraduate Diploma in Emotional Factors in Learning and Teaching: Psychoanalysis and Education (University of East London/ Tavistock NHS Foundation).

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Mental health and well-being: multi-disciplinary practice with young people and adults (University of Essex / Tavistock NHS Foundation).

  • Postgraduate Diploma in Working with children, young people & families: a psychoanalytic observational approach (University of Essex / Tavistock NHS Foundation).

  • BSc London School of Economics and Political Science 


Ongoing development:

I am in on-going formation as a psychoanalyst. The process takes upward of a decade and key components include being in personal psychoanalysis 3 to 4 times a week, regular supervision and participation in seminars, workshops and study groups. My particular interest is in the French Psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan and his contribution to psychoanalysis which is the focus of my current research. 


My professional license:

I am a member of the Tavistock Society for Psychotherapists and The College of Psychoanalysts UK. I am chartered as a Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist, by the British Psychoanalytic Council. 


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