Eastbourne Child Therapy
Children, Teenagers, under 25s, families.


Ben French BSc, C-Psych, C-Obs, MA Psych.
My name is Ben French. I'm a Psychoanalyst and Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist working with 2 to 25 year olds.
Working therapeutically with children and teenagers is different from therapy with adults, it requires specialist skills and knowledge. My graduate training included a Masters degree and 5 years at the Tavistock and Portman Clinic (NHS), a world centre for Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy.
I work as a Senior Psychotherapist in CAMHS (NHS) treating young people with moderate to severe mental health difficulties in a team of child psychologists and family therapists. I also offer therapy privately with 2 to 25 year olds through this clinic. I have significant clinical experience in evidence based psychotherapy for depression, self harm, suicidal ideation, anxiety, abuse, tics, phobias, eating disorders, adoption issues, trauma, psychosis, ADHD, school and family problems, and body, trans and gender issues with both neurodiverse and neurotypical young people. I also work with parents developing new insight and ideas around difficult family situations that can support them in making helpful changes. My approach is psychoanalytic - for more on how this works click here.
I welcome all referrals from interested families, including those for fostered and adopted children (I work with the Adoption Support Fund and local authority providing psychotherapy and Therapeutic Needs Assessments). I offer a limited number of reduced cost places for low income families and self-funding over 16s to ensure my clinic is as accessible as possible. Alongside trainees, I have taught and supervised a range of professionals from Art Therapists, to Social Workers, to Psychiatrists interested in a psychoanalytic approach - please email for more information.
I am chartered by the British Psychoanalytic Council here.

Consulting Room​

25 Hyde Gardens Eastbourne, BN21 4PX
07903 988 041
Sessions are £70 to £85 depending on type and frequency.
Supervision, assessments and consultations are priced separately. Reduced rates are offered for low income families and self-funding students (places are limited).